Education is what the world revolves around. Education leads to having greater knowledge of the world that we can apply to our daily lives, and it allows you to have greater job opportunities.
Education is very essential now, however, there are many people around the world that cannot afford the proper education for themselves or their children. This problem is telling us that those people who can’t afford education basically don’t deserve a future. That is why education should be free for all. The impact of free education on society would be that, many students would not be in debt after they finish college, students would be able to focus on their education than stressing out about where they will get the enough money to pay their tuition, and this would affect society in the long run because there would be more people with the proper education to improve quickly society.Free education would solve the problem that, many students would not be in debt after they finish college. The average annual cost of tuition and fees in the USA for the middle class is $33,215 per year. Furthermore, the average income in the USA was $55,775 in 2015. Not only do students have to pay that amount, but they also pay for the interest cost that comes along with all the money they have taken out of the bank to pay for the education they got. Therefore, most of the student’s income when they begin to work would go to paying college tuition. Usually, people go to college four years, which builds up how much money they would have to pay after. On top of that students also sometimes go on to getting a bachelor's or master's degree which is more money. Imagine how it would be for families who are low-income that don’t even get an income close to the middle-class income. That is why education should be free for all.
Free education would keep students on track because they would not be stressing out about, where they will get the money to pay their tuition. Many students worry about collecting enough money to pay for their education, that is why we sometimes see students working at a young age because they need the money. Their parents may not have all the money they need to pay for their child’s education. As a result of the students then begin to work part-time to get the money. The times that these students will work at is after school since they can’t work during school hours. However, the students have homework to do after school, but they aren’t able to do the homework assignments because of their work shifts can be long, and not give them enough time to do homework. Which causes their grades to drop. That is another reason education should be free for all.
Free education would affect society in the long run because there would be more people with the proper education to improve society quickly. Having many people who are educated, come together would be so beneficial because they can come up with new plans that would benefit society. They could also find a solution to end current problems that are happening now. There would also be more people in professional jobs such as lawyers, architects, computer developers, etc. Technology would be developed because students who want to be major in computer science, will obviously be passionate about that topic so they will innovate more technology which benefits society because everyone uses it. That is another reason education should be free for all.
Therefore, education should be free for all because the impact of free education on society would be that, students wouldn’t be in debt after they finish college, students would also be able to focus on their studies instead of worrying about the price it cost to get an education, and free education would greatly affect society in the long run because the more educated people there would be the quicker society would improve. Education is very essential now because it leads to a whole list of opportunities that people can get in the future after they have finished studying. People would be working in a field that they like because of the free education. They could work in a field that they are passionate for, which would lead to great advancements since they would be excited to go to work and be able to do the best they can. There are millions of people who have ideas already planned, but because they don’t have enough money to be able to study, they will not be able to get those ideas into work. Education should be free for all because it would benefit people individually and society in general.
Originally published at Education For Free
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