New Year is not only a holiday to rest and relax but also a start for the new beginnings that are to be achieved. No wonder it is so important to prepare yourself for a coming year to be full of energy and stamina especially if you are a teacher and should set an example for students. Though it may seem impossible to start a new year fresh after all night long parties and noisy companies, there are several useful tips to help you say goodbye to the previous and welcome the new year in a good state of mind and soul.
General tips
- Holiday decorations are to be put away in time.
It is impossible to get away from the holiday atmosphere if it surrounds you everywhere. Some people forget or just do not wish to finish New Year festivities and postpone putting away decorations for a long period of time. And though it may seem that there is nothing bad in this, the feeling of another household chore will not leave you. It does not mean that everything should be performed in one day, but gradual removal of decorations and ornaments can slowly return you to the reality.
- Make up or look through the objectives and resolutions for the following year
It is always easier to follow a plan than try to achieve goal randomly. That is one of the main reasons why it is necessary to set objectives for a new coming year. Undoubtedly, resolutions are to be listed at the end of the previous or the beginning of a new year. If you have written them down earlier, it is time to check whether all of them are still actual or make any corrections or additions. In case you used to omit this step before, try to make up a habit and you will see what an important procedure it is!
- Opt for relaxation
No matter how hard-working you are each person requires relaxation. It is a period when we can recharge and find new strength to combat everyday challenges. If you didn’t have this great habit before, start building it immediately. The word “fresh” can be understood as relaxed too, so both physical and mental rest is a necessity. How can you relax? Look through the relaxation ideas and procedures on the Web, opt for spa procedures, yoga, massage, meditation. If you prefer adrenalin rushes, find an activity to boost you too. Pay a couple of hours in your daily routine to rest and you will see how it will result in your perfect state.
- Reflect over past year experience
People are prone to making mistakes and your own experience is the best tutor. If you want to suffer from the same problems you used to overcome before, think of the ways how to avoid them. You can also think over the goals set in the previous year and if they were not achieved, add them to the list of your New Year resolutions. You can also answer several questions to realize if your perspective is fresh and the answers will contribute to the creation of new motivation:
- Are there any regrets?
- Are there people to apologize?
- What was the best during the past year and what conclusions can contribute to the success in the new year?
- What past was terrible for you?
- Have you found the ways to overcome problems and what are they? Etc.
- Impress yourself
Positive emotions have always been a perfect stimulus to continue work or any other task. If you lack interest or pleasant experience, impress yourself with the good shopping experience. By doing so you will lift your mood and feel more confident when you enter the school building. Noticing inquisitive sights of students you can grab their attention quicker and that will bring about more efficient results.
Tips for teachers to start the New Year fresh
There are also some specific hints especially for educators that will help them to start a New Year in the perfect state. Each teacher wishes to be more efficient and effective and a new year can become a good stimulus to look at the old challenges and reconfigure them. Of course, it is impossible to do much during such a short period of vacations, but each teacher can map out his own goals and make necessary arrangements for this year.
- Make all the materials organized
New Year is time to start everything fresh and make arrangements for the future year. It is always more pleasant to organize everything and make use of everything during the term than try to do that simultaneously with preparation for the lessons. You can prepare visual materials as well as spreadsheets and materials for individual work. Some teachers advise using binders or various folders according to the topic. They might be of different colors or of different size, so you can arrange everything to your taste.
- Re-evaluation of the teaching goals
When you plan your schedule for the whole year it is quite difficult to set real objectives. Different circumstances may change them during the studying year and their evaluation at the beginning of the year might be a necessity. Setting of the right purposes is very important for productive education so the more precise they are, the better result a teacher will have.
- Involve students into teaching
Try to empower students and give them control over their tasks and assignments. When they take ownership of their educational process, they can easily start the second semester and work more effectively during it.
Teaching has always been considered one of the most difficult professions and these are teachers, who really need rest, especially on holidays. New Year is a perfect time to re-charge for the next semester and prepare yourself for work. If you want to start a new year fresh, follow general tips, as well as tips for teachers, and you will be full of energy and well-prepared for work.
Originally published at Useful Tips for Starting the New Year Fresh
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