Technologies That Will Define the Classroom of the Future

Modern educational process undergoes regular changes and one of the main reasons of that is technological development. Not only the technology develops nowadays, children and teachers do too. This fact contributes to the constant enhancement of the approaches, methods of teaching let alone accommodation, devices, and facilities. Though there are many disagreements on this topic, classrooms also change their look getting much more technologically advanced. Soon modern students will not see customary for us classrooms as schools will adopt completely new requirements to them and up-and-coming technologies located there. Let us see what innovative technologies that have recently appeared will soon reside in the future classrooms.
  1. Augmented Reality
Though the concept of augmented reality has existed for a couple of years already not everyone is aware of this phenomenon. Many people still can’t believe that is possible to appear in the another reality, but several modern applications offer this opportunity. Some of them can be very useful in education substituting any visual. video and printed material. One of such apps is Google Sky Map that can contribute to the teaching and learning astronomy. Each student can identify constellations looking at the real sky and using the camera on the phone. It will automatically find them and you can see that on your phone. Another great app is called GeoGoogle that might be indispensable for acquiring new skills in geography. It can be used to measure distances using real-world surrounding and 3D compass.
  1. 3D printer
How do modern visual materials look like? How many of them should a teacher purchase? With the appearance of a 3D printing; machine teachers do not have to look for unique exhibits or images as they can create any example themselves in a matter of minutes. This technology can also be used by students, who are interested in design and engineering. It can create a prototype almost of anything using special modeling software. It is not only comfortable but also cost-effective.
  1. Cloud computing
Cloud computing can change much in modern society and education is not an exception. It has already proved its advantages in the Chinese schools and soon will be used by a variety of educational institutions all around the world. What benefits can it give? Firstly, it is access to the data storage from any electronic device and any place. Now pupils will not be able to forget to write down the home assignment or make a dog guilty of the inability to prepare for the lesson. Secondly, students do not have to carry heavy textbooks as they will have a constant access to them. Thirdly, there is a virtual learning environment created on the basis of cloud computing, so soon classrooms may get virtual too.
  1. New interactive and flexible displays
Do you like that smell of paper in the books? Forget about this old tradition as soon you will not need to carry and read them. In the modern society, their place is being taken by the lightweight, thin and flexible displays. These might be laptops, tablets, memo pads, netbooks etc. Such “books” and “notebooks” are not only miniature and interactive but can contain an abundance of information available at the touch of a finger. Such devices have eased student’s note-taking as now it is enough to record the sound or make a photo of the paper to take it with. Soon they will minimize the amount of equipment in the classrooms too.
  1. Multi-Touch LCD screen
Several years ago it was a discovery to see a video projector at school but now they are already considered old-fashioned and are replaced by smart-boards. Soon even they will be out of date as the latest technology makes an accent on multi-touch LCD screens that replace several devices at once. Such touch boards remind giant smartphones offering the same functionality and interactivity so soon they will also possess a dignified place in the classroom.
  1. Biometrics
Though biometrics is mostly associated with security now it can be helpful for classroom teachers too. It can be used to help teachers understand how students percept and understand given to them information. That will help to make adaptive learning systems and transform the education process into a more individual and productive one.
  1. Learning based on games
Modern children sink in the diversity of computer games offered today. Some of them become their second home, so why not make games the second school? Being a fast-paced generation they are dependent on the Internet and opportunities it suggests, so they must be implemented in the educational process too. There are some online communities existing now that promote using games for learning purposes. By using motion-sense technology kids can learn sing language or play a musical instrument.
Another approach using gameplay in education states that soon schools will have to give basic programming skills and game designing might be a good encouragement for learning. That will not also improve their knowledge of computer devices and software but also develop language skills, storytelling, artistic talents, problem-solving etc.
  1. MOOCs and other online learning options
Some scientists mention that education will not be soon restricted to formalized classrooms. Moreover, there won’t be customary yearly programs and age limits. Nowadays, college degrees and diplomas have lost their value as their owning does not guarantee your professionalism. Today even a secondary school child can finish any university or college in any part of the world due to the online courses offered. Each child could sign up for classes of famous professors that are distributed by MOOC and pass all the necessary tests to receive a certificate that can be equal to a degree.
Such education opportunities change our representation of schooling upside down, but the world is developing and we should not follow behind it. It is difficult to say how educated pupils will be in future and whether all these changes are for better, but the fact is still the fact – technology influences both teaching and learning and our task is to get the most of it in the classroom too.
